West Bengal
State University

(Barasat, North 24 Parganas)
  • registrar@wbsu.ac.in
  • 033 2524 1976
  • Berunanpukuria, P.O. Malikapur, Barasat,
    North 24 Parganas, WB, PIN 700126

Faculty Details


Name: Prof. Sutapa Chatterjee Sarkar
Designation: Professor in History
Teaching Exp: 28 years
Courses Taught: Modern India, Economic and Social History, Transition debate, Environmental History
Areas of Research Interest: Economic History,Social History,History of the marginals in the ecologically fragile niches
Email: chatterjeesutapa@yahoo.co.in

Dr. Sutapa Chatterjee Sarkar is Professor,

West Bengal State University, Kolkata, India. She was awarded her PhD by Calcutta University (Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Kolkata) and was Research Associate at South Asian Institute, Heidelberg, Germany and Institute fuer Historiche Ethnologie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt. She has travelled widely around the world and presented papers in national and international seminars. She has since published widely in reputed journals, viz., Studies in History, Sage, Occasional Paper (Teen Murti New Delhi), Journal of Asiatic Studies, The Calcutta Historical Journal, etc. Her essays have been published by Orient Blackswan and Primus. She is the author of The Sundarbans: Folk Deities, Monsters and Mortals (Social Science Press, Orient Blackswan). Currently, her research interest is on Social and Environmental History of the Bay of Bengal Littorals. She has taken keen interest in inter-disciplinary work involving history of challenges faced by migrating people in ecologically fragile niches.


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