He played the role of an ideal teacher

A gift to my University on its foundation day and history created for WBSU. 110 Candidates Appeared, 40 were Shortlisted and 19 Candidates are being Selected for School Teacher Position by TGES with a minimum salary of Rs. 40,000/- pm. On this occasion, I would like to quote my mother “Giving Job is Giving Life”.


“This is the real Celebration of the University Foundation Day. Congrats Arijit for showcasing the real role and responsibility of an ideal teacher.”



It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that the Department of Psychology, West Bengal State University is going to organize the 2nd International Conference on Peace Psychology to be held on 11-12 May 2023 (Thursday and Friday) at the University Campus. As in 2022, this year too the conference would take place in blended mode.

It is an honour for us to invite you to register and join this enriching conference, comprising renowned speakers across the continents. The theme for the 2023 conference would be: “The journey to Peace: Within Self and Beyond”.

The participation of psychology students/ scholars/faculty members/ professionals will be duly appreciated. Kindly send your abstracts by 31st March 2023. Please check the corresponding flyer for necessary details.

The registration link is as follows: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1J-7O_3UBvqzJJHbGvnF-QNaXV7GSEIhO-JV-5fiNqYc/edit?chromeless=1


The Central Library of West Bengal State University, in association with the Commonwealth Educational Media Center for Asia, ( CEMCA) has successfully organized the three-day workshop on Capacity Building for Open Educational Resources (OER). Faculty members of WBSU and library professionals from the University’s affiliated colleges participated in this three-day workshop. Professors from the University of North Bengal, Netaji Subhas Open University, Rabindra Bharti University, and other eminent educational institutes successfully participated in this workshop. The workshop was inaugurated by the Honourable Vice Chancellor Professor Mohua Das, while all the other university officers and IQAC director were present. The Director of (CEMCA) Dr. B Shadrach, and program coordinator Ms. Manika Sharma of CEMCA, joined the inaugural event from CEMCA’s New Delhi office. Dr. Shadrach, in his inaugural address, expressed his gratitude towards the University for undertaking this workshop which immensely benefits students, research scholars, and faculty members of the University. The participants, right from the inaugural session to the end of the workshop can be best described as enthralled due to the knowledge that they shared and at the same time gained through this workshop and therefore making this workshop an event of quintessential importance.
The University Librarian and Director, the Centre for Advanced Studies, Dr. Sushanta Banerjee, expressed his sincere gratitude to all the faculty members, non-teaching staff, officers, the honorable Vice Chancellor, and specially the team members of the organising committee for their unconditional help and support to make thisj event a grand success. Dr. Banerjee also sincerely appreciated the contribution and support given by Dr Barnali Roy Choudhury,
Resource Person, CEMCA & Assistant Professor, DLIS, Netaji Subhas Open University .

Glimpses of the event:

Employability Skill Programme

This training programme was intended for female students and was sponsored by Mahindra Pride Classroom Naandi Foundation. About 50 students from West Bengal State University and its affiliated colleges attended the training and 35 students successfully completed the training. This training is provided at free of cost to our students. I congratulate to all participants and I would like to thank to our sponsor.




A special sensitization program on women’s trafficking was held in the WBSU campus to celebrate the women’s month. It was jointly organized by CSGCM and CAS. We would like to thank the NGO group Rescue and Relief Foundation for their thought-provoking and enriching presentation. Thank you to all the faculty members, research fellows and students from the university and other colleges for your enthusiastic participation. Thank you to Sudipta Dutta, Swarnendu Dam and Sohini Chakraborty for all these photos and all-round support.

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Campus Recruitment by Royal Research at WBSU Campus

On 22/03/2023 Royal Research came to visit our campus for possible recruitment. After taking computer based written tests (English grammar and subject of choice) and personal interview (face-to-face), ten candidates are being selected for the position of “Academic Content Writer” at Royal Research. These job positions are Kolkata-based positions.

Thank to Royal Research for considering our students and visiting our campus. I would also like to thank to all who assist me in hosting this event. Dr. Arijit Roy (Assistant Professor).

রঙের উৎসবে রঙিন হোক সকলের জীবন

পশ্চিমবঙ্গ রাষ্ট্রীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় ছাত্র সংসদের আয়োজনে বসন্ত উৎসবে উপস্থিত ছিলেন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের মাননীয়া উপাচার্য অধ্যাপিকা মহুয়া দাস মহাশয়া, নিবন্ধক তপন দত্ত সহ অর্থ আধিকারিক শুভ্রা বিশ্বাস মহাশয়া, নির্মান আধিকারিক সৈকত রঞ্জন ঘোষ মহাশয় সহ ও.এস.ডি এডমিন অশোক মুখার্জী , অধ্যাপক প্রণাম ধর , অধ্যাপক অভিজিৎ কুমার পাল সহ অধ্যাপিকা সোমা ভদ্র রায় ও অধ্যাপিকা মৌমিতা বিশ্বাস মহাশয়া । সর্বোপরি রঙের উৎসবে সমগ্র বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় সেদিন রঙিন হয়ে উঠেছিল । এরই সাথে সাথে ছাত্র-ছাত্রীরা নাচের ও গানের তালে তালে নিজেদেরকে মেলে ধরছিল।