2.4.1 Anthropology
2.4.1 Bengali
2.4.1 Biochemistry
2.4.1 Botany
2.4.1 Chemistry
2.4.1 CMM
2.4.1 Computer sc
2.4.1 Economics
2.4.1 Education
2.4.1 Electronics
2.4.1 English
2.4.1 Film studies
2.4.1 Food n Nutrition
2.4.1 Geography
2.4.1 Hindi
2.4.1 History
2.4.1 Journalism
2.4.1 Mathematics
2.4.1 Microbiology
2.4.1 Philosophy
2.4.1 Physiology
2.4.1 Physics
2.4.1 Political science
2.4.1 Psychology
2.4.1 Rural studies
2.4.1 Sanskrit
2.4.1 Sociology
2.4.1 Statistics
2.4.1 Urdu
2.4.1 Zoology
Recruitment G.O Of The Faculty